Baby Squirrel Rescued Now Throwing Hilarious Tantrums

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • She was born different, but that never stopped her. Bianca is proof that even the smallest creatures deserve a second chance!
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Комментарии • 147

  • @tail_friends
    @tail_friends  5 дней назад +4

    Watch this cool video:видео.html

  • @yuckfoo9638
    @yuckfoo9638 4 дня назад +22

    This world is a better place because of someone like you, God Bless you and Bianca

    • @SandraCat22
      @SandraCat22 3 дня назад

      Love your user name, lol… 😁😁

  • @kathydeschene4649
    @kathydeschene4649 5 дней назад +15

    Ill always remember peanut. Rip little buddy.... you made a big mark on this world❤

    • @Shaharalyn1977
      @Shaharalyn1977 3 дня назад +4

      Don't forget his buddy Fred!

    • @stm5578
      @stm5578 16 часов назад

      Whatever happened to justice for Fred and Peanut? Even Trump thought it was awful what happened to them. We've not heard if they were getting justice.

  • @UptownGirlls
    @UptownGirlls 18 часов назад +4

    Aww ppl like Bianca’s Mama truly make the world a better place ❤ Thank you for saving their little lives

  • @MichaelBarrow-n9q
    @MichaelBarrow-n9q 7 часов назад +2

    Great story and Bianca is a great and wonderful animal 🐿️

  • @bellepage3402
    @bellepage3402 День назад +6

    Bianca is a survivor. She just needed a kind human hand to support her survival instinct. God bless you for being that person. ❤

  • @janinemason3238
    @janinemason3238 3 часа назад

    Thank you for saving her. You are an angel and God bless you both ❤❤

  • @debbie5876
    @debbie5876 5 дней назад +10

    Thank you for loving and caring for Bianca.

  • @geezer4962
    @geezer4962 3 дня назад +7

    Thanks for helping this squirrel, the world is a better place because of animal lovers like you.

  • @2DreamySleepy
    @2DreamySleepy 4 дня назад +7

    We have them in our garden. They spend all day digging, looking for nuts they buried and chasing each other around the garden. They’re very social - you don’t find loner squirrels. On hot days you will find one lying splayed out, limbs akimbo on a branch. They are enchanting animals. ❤Bianca.

  • @RedPyramid-lf4sb
    @RedPyramid-lf4sb 20 часов назад +3

    There is a very special place in heaven for those who rescue sweet little animals.

    • @StageMan57
      @StageMan57 8 часов назад

      Oh really! Where is that "special place" located in Heaven? You obviously don't read God's written talk to us in the book we call the Bible. There is only one Heaven and that one Heaven isn't divided up!
      Cc: @kms1617

  • @josephinastover5785
    @josephinastover5785 3 дня назад +4

    She is such a character...full of spirit! Thank you for giving her a second chance at life ❤️

  • @annegordon6725
    @annegordon6725 5 дней назад +4

    What a little character she is. She's living her best if not different life❤

  • @TheLitehart1
    @TheLitehart1 5 дней назад +6

    She's got spunk lol!!! Squirrels are such tough little sweeties and so full of personality. I don't think most people realize how much there is to them. Thanks so much for sharing Bianca with us and for loving her so devotedly ❤🐿❤

  • @rosaspanjol673
    @rosaspanjol673 3 дня назад +3

    Omg!…what a beautiful story!😘…it made me cry!….of joy!..of course!

  • @feralbluee
    @feralbluee 4 дня назад +7

    I am amazed when such a pronounced personality. Animals do, of course, have unique personalities, but she’s amazing. So glad you love her so much :) ☀️🐿️🌷🌱

  • @Niteotter51
    @Niteotter51 3 дня назад +2

    Namaste 🙏🏻 Bianca. And her mom.

  • @pamlooman8045
    @pamlooman8045 6 дней назад +8


  • @sac1303
    @sac1303 3 дня назад +1

    Thank you so much for caring for and loving this beautiful creature. God bless you both.

  • @kimscioloro
    @kimscioloro 21 час назад

    These stories bring me such happiness.

  • @PeterTron-sf3us
    @PeterTron-sf3us 4 дня назад +6

    Thank you for sharing your lovely story. ❤ I‘m grateful for you reminding people, that sound squirrels are no pets.

  • @BunnieCostello
    @BunnieCostello 4 дня назад +2

    That was very nice of you to take her in there as to be more people like you in this world she is so sweet and beautiful.from Canada 🇨🇦 take care of her more love ❤️ .

  • @fayesmith2406
    @fayesmith2406 6 дней назад +9

    Sweet story thank you for caring & loving her ❤️

    • @LeeZeidel-s1h
      @LeeZeidel-s1h 6 дней назад +2

      Love this video and so happy for Bianca and her owner bless you ❣️🙏 😊

  • @rbenjamin1429
    @rbenjamin1429 4 дня назад +4

    Bianca is adorable and feisty 🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @AtheistVeganAnti-Red
    @AtheistVeganAnti-Red 4 дня назад +2

    What a cutie pie!

  • @silverlaptop2022
    @silverlaptop2022 6 дней назад +5

    Love truly conquered all.
    From chinchillas to turtles, All of the creatures God shared with me in my life, have been rescued. Thank
    Thank God for people who care🌹

  • @jcepri
    @jcepri 2 дня назад +1

    A very big hearted childless squirrel lady. :-)

  • @brucebush5591
    @brucebush5591 3 дня назад +2

    She’s just too cute!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Groundhoggie_
    @Groundhoggie_ 5 дней назад +5

    You are a good mother.

  • @MichaelWorth-i9y
    @MichaelWorth-i9y 7 дней назад +6

    I've often said that dogs are a lot smarter than we credit them. They know words, they have some understanding of numbers, they have personalities, and I am impressed by their intelligence every day. I can see that this is probably true of most animals.

  • @jilliancapodiferro1115
    @jilliancapodiferro1115 День назад +2

    ❤🎉❤❤ thank you for caring for her so well ❤️‍🩹! She's such a Cutie 🥰!!!!!!

  • @Donna-cc1kt
    @Donna-cc1kt 4 дня назад +2

    Oh that looks like a silver squirrel or WhT we call them in CA. The brown ones are gentle.yeh, you got a real live wire. God bless you.

  • @callycharles2515
    @callycharles2515 7 дней назад +9

    What an adorable story! I'm so happy you have Bianca, even if she is jealous of your husband! 😅

  • @nena2281
    @nena2281 4 дня назад +3

    Bless Bianca and her family ❤❤❤❤

  • @janetmyers6120
    @janetmyers6120 4 дня назад +4

    She is adorable ❤.

  • @Patricia-fl7my
    @Patricia-fl7my 3 часа назад +1

    She reminds me of the squirrel in the children's book Flora and Ulysses.

  • @ricoz2016
    @ricoz2016 6 дней назад +6

    There are some who would think your love & devotion to her is a waste.
    I pity them.

  • @rowlinstoned3715
    @rowlinstoned3715 2 дня назад +1

    I found 2 pink hairless baby squirrels just days old. Waited to see if the mom was around but had to raise them. I woke every 2 hours to feed em at first. When they were old enough I started walking outside with them and one day they decided it was time. They lived in the woods beside my house for the first year then never saw em. I enjoyed my time with them❤

  • @pctlvr
    @pctlvr 7 часов назад

    thank you so much!

  • @tracycobb9499
    @tracycobb9499 6 дней назад +5

    Thank you for your big heart❤❤❤❤❤😊😊

  • @thelmahutson845
    @thelmahutson845 День назад

    Just precious

  • @sherlockholmes2703
    @sherlockholmes2703 День назад

    She reminds me of my Sammy, she would chat back to me when I was gone for longer than usual, we would have chats and she would eat her nuts and sit on my head at times, plant peanuts or nuts around the Christmas tree but i told her not to go in there it's not a real tree. she listened though. even though she was a wild one she was like my child too! one time I told her to bring me my Grand squirrel when she had them. one day she did. I named him junior. she was a delight to have. that was over 30 years ago and miss her company. please take care of Bianca as she will always be grateful for you taking her in and caring for her. bless this little creature of God for her life!

  • @naserderakhshani6222
    @naserderakhshani6222 6 дней назад +11

    God bless you all who love animals and have compassion for them. ❤❤

  • @jessiejames2155
    @jessiejames2155 10 минут назад

    Well done my dear ! 😊👍

  • @DenisBourk
    @DenisBourk 5 часов назад

    My daughters found a baby crow that had been thrown out of the nest because of a disability, we raised it and was our family pet Sammy could not fly but he was such a joy and got along with our cat

  • @Omnivolv
    @Omnivolv 12 часов назад

    Omg I rescued a fox squirrel two years ago and he totally does that super hero pose

  • @nance73
    @nance73 2 дня назад

    Thank you for giving her a second chance at life. Loved the part where she was in the Kleenex box 😂

  • @briankeith1466
    @briankeith1466 5 дней назад +1

    what a wonderful story ,, i just love it ,!

  • @50samsat
    @50samsat 7 дней назад +6

    Very sweet

  • @mauricehawkins1278
    @mauricehawkins1278 7 дней назад +6


  • @claudias.4172
    @claudias.4172 7 дней назад +10

    Bianca is a beautiful creature. 🥰😍🥰

  • @parler8698
    @parler8698 3 дня назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @ManuelQuaresma-if2nt
    @ManuelQuaresma-if2nt 4 дня назад +2


  • @GiGiC14
    @GiGiC14 7 дней назад +3

    Beautiful baby Bianca! 🙏🥰❣️

  • @JoeLatka
    @JoeLatka 9 часов назад

    So cute.

  • @cindysmith6833
    @cindysmith6833 6 дней назад +3

    I Love Her So MUCH 🥲💘

  • @AlconburyBlues
    @AlconburyBlues 23 часа назад +1

    cute story, but they messed up. There was footage of four different squirrel breeds in there.

  • @charlibaltimore7641
    @charlibaltimore7641 3 дня назад +1

    So cute! Thank you for helping her, she probably would have been put down otherwise, What a shame that would be.

  • @SubMark-c3w
    @SubMark-c3w 6 дней назад +21

    I'm glad you made this video it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $34k monthly and a good daughter full of love.

    • @Chandler234
      @Chandler234 6 дней назад

      I'm feeling motivated, could you share some details about the biweekly topic you brought up?

    • @SubMark-c3w
      @SubMark-c3w 6 дней назад

      My advice to everyone is that saving is great but investment is the key to be successful imagine investing $15,000 and received $42,700.

    • @SubMark-c3w
      @SubMark-c3w 6 дней назад

      Contacting financial advisors like Ann Marie strunk who can assist you in restructuring your portfolio would be a very creative option. Personal financial management will be crucial for navigating the next difficult times.

    • @Benjaminee-v2h
      @Benjaminee-v2h 6 дней назад

      Thanks to Ann Marie strunk time in my life, which had a profound impact on me.

    • @EthanNguyen-y7e
      @EthanNguyen-y7e 6 дней назад

      Life is easier when the cash keeps popping in, thanks to Ann Marie strunk services. Glad she's getting the recognition she deserves

  • @lynettesmith6971
    @lynettesmith6971 7 дней назад +6

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ just the sweetest girlie ever.

  • @Shaharalyn1977
    @Shaharalyn1977 3 дня назад

    I don't call their environment the wild but say they live in nature. A lot of animals contribute to it and it's their natural habitat and home.

  • @teresaalamo8432
    @teresaalamo8432 4 дня назад +1

    I love this story, your amazing🎉

  • @bru1015
    @bru1015 4 дня назад


  • @marcturner3647
    @marcturner3647 7 дней назад +5

    You’re an amazing angel 😇 👌

  • @hazelturner625
    @hazelturner625 2 дня назад


  • @holdernewtshesrearin5471
    @holdernewtshesrearin5471 7 дней назад +2

    Squirrels are awesome little animals.

  • @paulhill1379
    @paulhill1379 7 дней назад +2

    Another lovely video ❤

  • @777-hg1if
    @777-hg1if 22 часа назад

    Face of Mom changed to someone else in the video. Will the real Squirrel Mom please stand up🐿️🥜

  • @donnabaardsen5372
    @donnabaardsen5372 4 дня назад


  • @shawntellerstewart9552
    @shawntellerstewart9552 7 дней назад +2

    " Sh3 Is Beautiful " !!!

  • @Zachattack2002
    @Zachattack2002 7 дней назад +3

    Bianca is a adorable squirrel

  • @redbarchetta8782
    @redbarchetta8782 5 дней назад


  • @soniaasquez321
    @soniaasquez321 6 дней назад

    Thankyou ❤️

  • @melissatrowell3720
    @melissatrowell3720 7 дней назад +6

    Well done Mommy❤❤❤❤❤

  • @SherylHashimoto-iq1kt
    @SherylHashimoto-iq1kt 2 дня назад


  • @mikezylstra7514
    @mikezylstra7514 4 дня назад

    OK. I decided to get my tubes tied. You talked me into it.

  • @Felonytrump
    @Felonytrump 7 дней назад +2


  • @TerryWilder-s3m
    @TerryWilder-s3m 7 дней назад +1


  • @MrsJan1967
    @MrsJan1967 5 дней назад +1

    Sadly unless you have a good job most people can no longer care for any extra animals as the veterinary bills can get into several hundred dollars a month with proper food and medicine as they age

  • @marybethstaehling6183
    @marybethstaehling6183 2 дня назад

    I think baby squirrel was giving mommy the finger when she didn’t get her way, she looks just like you btw.

  • @waewaepouwhare320
    @waewaepouwhare320 6 дней назад


  • @Stefan_Boerjesson
    @Stefan_Boerjesson 7 дней назад +3

    Sounds like AI talking. Muting the video.

  • @satyasunshine9737
    @satyasunshine9737 7 дней назад +1


  • @garyedwards4783
    @garyedwards4783 7 дней назад

    Oh my what an absolute Sweetheart😍😍🐾🐾😘!!

  • @connieoleary2119
    @connieoleary2119 7 дней назад


  • @waynebertola
    @waynebertola 7 дней назад

    Very cute and adorable,…….. love him , cherish him keep him safe and PROTECT him from others! Not going to rain on this sweet kind moment and considerate act. BUT you may want look into what the local DEC conservation department did to an adorable little guy (squirrel) named peanut here in NY that was in a mans home for like 7 yrs….I think . I’m sure there are MANY stories out here about it if you google it. Kudos and hugs to you guys for caring for this little guy, the world needs more people like you 🫵🫶

  • @LordMondegrene
    @LordMondegrene 2 дня назад

    Who taught your squirrel all those swear words?

  • @Jackson-b8j4l
    @Jackson-b8j4l 7 дней назад

    A friend of mine has a neighbor who brought home a wild squirrel and had it in their house and would let it out from time to time, soon it was in my friends garage chewing wires and whatever doing damage, these are wild animals and if you keep them as pets you will have you items ruined. He did confront the neighbor who took it back where he got it from.

    • @callycharles2515
      @callycharles2515 7 дней назад +2

      What a shame. What's to say the squirrel won't come back because they love the people who took it in? Any squirrel could get into your friends garage so they need to keep their garage closed.

  • @JoshJackson-lq7tj
    @JoshJackson-lq7tj 13 часов назад

    How could you put an unfortunate beautiful creature to sleep just because she didn’t get a good start in life ,I couldn’t do it ,but I understand if they are in pain and nothing else can be done then it’s for the best ,still be hard though

  • @paulaheckman9928
    @paulaheckman9928 7 дней назад +1

    Poor lil sweetie!😢

  • @lindataghon5712
    @lindataghon5712 13 часов назад

    If she is spoiled?, who's fault is this?

  • @Clarice-rp7mh
    @Clarice-rp7mh 5 дней назад

    Stay out of the state of NY! They din't like rescued squirrels,

  • @BarbaraCarlson-l3e
    @BarbaraCarlson-l3e 7 дней назад +2

    How beautiful and precious glad you found her and taking care of her 👍💕

  • @StageMan57
    @StageMan57 3 дня назад

    It's not your child. That's a sick thing to say and equate and animal with a human.
    Maybe you should adopt. There are real children who need real love from real adults.

    • @krns1617
      @krns1617 18 часов назад +1

      Yes, the moment she said she didn't have children, and the squirrel was her child, I got out.

  • @RosieSnarkBot
    @RosieSnarkBot 21 час назад

    44k views. You can afford to pay a voice actor. Nobody wants to listen to a robot narrate.

  • @jameshammers5239
    @jameshammers5239 7 дней назад +4


  • @ceciliazderic214
    @ceciliazderic214 День назад


  •  6 дней назад

    im banned on roblox