'Community projects' trends
Domains containing the tag 'Community projects'
- Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
- 1greeninitiatives.cn
Green Initiatives
Shanghai-based Environmental Nonprofit Organization Started in 2009, to Promote Education & Action on Environmental Issues. - n/a 1.10 n/a
- 2spacehive.com
Spacehive - Crowdfunding For Local Projects
Fund projects that make local places better. Millions in matchfunding available. Crowdfund a project idea on Spacehive now. - n/a 1.50 n/a
- 3karmayog.org
Karmayog.org is a resource that enables you to "Improve Your World" by connecting you with like-minded people and organisations in your locality, city and world. ... Create your Own Web section - We can offer you your own web section in Karmayog Manage a - n/a 1.50 n/a
- 4karmayog.com
Karmayog team with Veronica Blume, Spanish Super Model and Jaume of Sonrisas de ... A desire to understand the concept of Karmayog as per the Bhagavad Gita led Vinay Somani to begin www.karmayog.com on 25th June 2004. Karmayog is, however, not a site on spirituality. All of us have the ability and desire to help others. The problem is how to find who we can support or how to enable them to find us. Nonprofits are doing fantastic work and even a little support can multiply their effectiveness. ... - n/a 1.10 n/a
- 5recyclopedia.com
ECOKIDS.COM - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 6eco-kids.com
ECOKIDS.COM - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 7m-pesafoundation.org
M-PESA Foundation: Large Scale Community Projects
M-PESA Foundation focuses on promoting health, education, environmental conservation, and integrated livelihoods through large-scale and impactful projects. - 28.24 3.15 06:24
- 8ecokids.com
ECOKIDS.COM - n/a 3.00 n/a
- 9a4a.com
A4A Art for Architecture
A4A Art for Architecture create bronze sculpture, public art sculpture, brick relief sculpture, architectural relief art, garden statuary, terracotta sculpture, glazed brick friezes, stone carving, mosaic, letter carving, steel welded artworks, wrought iron works, figurative sculpture, narrative sculpture, mythological sculpture, monumental sculpture, fountain sculpture, cast stone, cast aluminium, art consultancy, design installation, lighting, street furniture, bollards, art workshops, commissions undertaken, sculpture workshops, pattern making, lost wax casting, enlargement, mould making, architectural metalwork, paving design, stainless steel sculpture, obelisks, editions in bronze, unique castings, bronze plaques, civic sculpture, site specific artworks, concrete sculpture, entrance gates, community projects, residencies, fibregl . In German- Bronzeskulptur, Öffentliche Kunstwerke, Backsteinrelief, Porträtskulptur, Archit***nische Reliefkunst, Gartenstatuen, Terrakottaskulptur, Glasierter Backsteinfries, Steinmeißelarbeiten, Mosaik, Buchstabenmeißelarbeiten, Schmeideeisenkunst, Figurative Skulptur, Mythologische Skulptur, Monumentalskulptur, Brunnenskulptur, Kunststein, Gußaluminium, Kunstberatung, Installation von Kunstwerken,Beleuchtung, Straßeneinrichtungsgegemstände, Poller, Kunst-Workshops, Auftragsarbeiten, Bildhauer-Workahops, Modellerstellung, Wachsausschmelzguß, Vergrößerung, Formenerstellung, Archit***nische Metallarbeiten, Pflasterbeläge, Edelstahlskulptur, Obelisken, Bronzegußeditionen, Einzelußarbeiten, In French Sculptures en bronze, Sculptures de lieu public, Sculptures de relief en brique, Portraits sculptés, Reliefs architecturaux, Statues de jardin, Sculptures en pierre, Mosaïques, Sculptures de lettress, Ouvrages en acier soudé, Ouvrages en fer forgé, Sculptures figuratives, Sculptures mythalogiques, Sculptures monumentales,Sculptures de fontaine, Pierre de béton, Aliminium fondu, Conseils artistiques, Installation d'oeuvres, Eclairage, Mobilier urban, Bornes, Ateliers d' art, Commandes acceptées, Ateliers de sculpture, Création de modéles de fonte, Piéces moulées a` la cire perdue, Agrandis***ts, Construction de moules, Objets métalliques architecturaux, Conception d'aires pavées, Sculptures en inox, Obélisques, Tirages en bronze, Moulages uniques, Plaques de bronze, Sculptures muni***les, OEuvres d'art personnalisées Sculptures en béton, Portails d'entrée, Projets ociatifs, Projets en internat, Fibre de verre. - n/a 3.00 n/a
- 10textpattern.net
Index - Textbook
Index - Textbook - n/a 3.00 n/a
- 11coralcay.org
C Cay Conservation
Welcome to C Cay Conservation's award-winning programme of reef and forest expeditions. C Cay Conservation provides resources to help sustain livelihoods and alleviate poverty through the protection, restoration and management of c reefs and tropical forests. - n/a 3.00 n/a
- 12motherearths.com
ECOKIDS.COM - n/a 0.00 n/a
- 13americanscottishfoundation.com
American Scottish Foundation - Home
The mission of The American-Scottish Foundation, Inc. is to be the pre-eminent, national, US-based not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to advancing contemporary Scottish interests and meeting contemporary Scottish needs. - n/a 0.00 n/a
- 14ecologykids.com
ECOKIDS.COM - n/a 0.00 n/a
- 15spacehive.co.uk
Spacehive - Crowdfunding civic projects in your community
Spacehive is the world's first crowdfunding website for civic projects. Fund a new park or renovate your high street as easily as buying a book online. - n/a 0.00 n/a
- 16marinalee.com
- n/a 0.00 n/a