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11/1/19 3:19 AM20 min1373 MBwmv720p
Price14.99 EUR


Goldie is blackmailing You to be her sex partner by shrinking all Your friends tiny, cock teasing You with her sexy curves in lingerie She show Her hand full of Your friends when You say Your not interested!,to show She isn't kidding She pops 1 in her mouth chewing him up hearing His crunching bones, then shrinking some on the seat she hovers over them before crushing them with Her butt, She places the rest in her bra for safe keeping before telling You how She gets off being a Giantess and decides to shrink You just a little so You are breast height before pushing You on the bed to ride Your Cock as an Amazon over You, bringing some of Your friends out to play as she fucks You ,getting off on crushing Your friends one by one between her fingers, in her mouth and between her big mountainous breasts bringing Her to orgasm and You the only one left, Goldie decides to shrink You tiny too as it's way more fun being a Giantess than just an Amazon, placing You down on the floor while she takes a nap...She sees You only moved a couple feet in that hour nap and towering over You she bends over tainting You with her giant breasts before crushing You too with Her huge bosom...

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